If you're seeing this, you've accessed the site in IPv4 mode - I hope it's intentional as part of your dual-stack testing and not accidental!

If you'd like to try accessing in IPv6 mode, click the link below.


If you'd like to visit our IT consultancy or photography website, please click below. If you're just testing your IPv6 - well done, and welcome to the future of the Internet. If you're looking for an IT consultant to help you move forward, or photographer to record the event, and you're in the UK, give me a call :-)

Ex Cathedra Solutions Ltd.

When I was setting this up, I found two sites most useful and recommend them.

One is Hurricane Electric , who offer free tunnel services, DNS and certification tests

The other is http://test-ipv6.com which does a great job of providing basic testing to help you get up and running - thanks both!